Friday, March 18, 2011

School Break: PD

School Holiday is here uolsss....!!! just a short trip for d PD or Port Diskon (as how ainaa pronounced it..:p
130311 ... arrived at Thistle PD (used to be Guoman resort) bout 1.30pm..check in was at we waited for almost 2 hrs just to get to our room... we all dah beli siap2 makanan untuk makan dalam bilik...supaya terus dapat rehat sepenuhnya...

sian ainaa..senyum je dia..padahal sepanjang perjalanan, dia asyik cirit tak henti...ntah ape yg dimakan, sambil tunggu bilik siap, sempat dia keluar masuk toilet kat lobby almost 6 times jugak la...berdiri sepanjang masa, takut dia tercirit sambil duduk...

..still waiting...sib baik yg si kecik ni tak moody menunggu lama...

..heading to the beach..

air laut yg tak lama main air di laut..takat celup2 kaki aje...

main kat pool jugak best...:))

140311...just for one nite in Thistle..checking out another hotel...:)

but before that...having our lunch at pekan PD....Kari kepala ikan...yummeehhhh...

just 10km away from the first checking in at the LIWH...a bit early, check in was at 3, but we arrived bout 2 pm, the check in was smooth, no hassle waiting and stuff...straight to our room...i loikeee...:))
got buggy service...huhu!! on a buggy to our room...

quite a spacious n huge already excited...

this little one cant wait to jump into an indoor pool...
love this open shower...would love to have one in our future when..:p

taking a break...indoor activity...more indoor activity...making full use of our suite as well....:)
out for dinner...

after dinner..belikan si kecik ni pelampung itik...sronok sakan...atas jalan pun blh main...
main air lagi before bedtime...this time seronok si kecik dpt naik pelampungnye itu..
150311...nak pi breakfast..
after breakfast, jalan2 smpai hujung suite...took pictures here..nice calm...
lepas tu..sambung lagi main air..tapi kali ni di swimming pool hotel kat luar tu..budak2 lagi suka coz ade slide...

we checked out at 12 noon...called d buggy service to get our efficient..tak yah nak jalan kaki bawak barang sume...:))
that's all...went straight home..had a great quality time with d kids...:)

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