Sunday, February 27, 2011

Broga Hill

Feb 26, 2011..Bertolak selepas Subuh dalam 6.30 pg, on d way tu, singgah ambil adik di sri kembangan, dia pun nak join skali. So we arrived bout 8am. Time tu, dah penuh dgn kereta2 di parking kelapa sawit...think most of them came early just for the bile nak panjat bukit tu, ramai gak manusia mula turun dari bukit... Usually, it'll take less than 30 mins or so to climb d hill..but for me, took me 40 mins to climb to peak 1...(by d way, there are four peaks..puncak ke 4 tu kira yg paling tinggi laaa...)
posing n eksyen2 dulu..time ni belum rasa kepenatan lagi...
..tak smpai 10minit...fuhhhhh...letih beb....dah mula sakit sgt lutut2 yg sememangnya dah sakit lama..

me n hubby half way up...:)
..almost the first peak.. many people up there..tu baru puncak pertama...

dah naik tinggi, tiba2 i looked down..and suddenly...frozen...phobia yg teramat sgt telah melanda..tarus tak boleh berdiri panjat ape lagi, husband kena rescue tarik naik d first peak of the hill...the scenery was so beautiful...i managed to climb up to the first peak only coz was too phobic to continue...yup, am very afraid of heights..bile dah tinggi sangat..terasa cam nak i better not continue...let my hubby, son, and sis to go up...

us experience for faiq as well...mana tau, one day dia pun minat panjat gunung cam bapak dia...

posing dlm ketakutan, takut nak duduk kat tgh2 batu tu..rasa nak terjatuh je...

father n son...:)

proud of you terer..all the way up without a single complaint..good job!
yeaaaaa..sudah smpai di bawah....reached down bout 10.30am...

sudah naik..dan sudah turun...alhamdulillah..for a first timer climbing d hill..though not all d way up, still am satisfied and proud of myself...hehehe....wish to do it again and finish all d way up to peak 4...

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