Monday, January 23, 2012

Ri Yaz Heritage n Laguna Redang - May 2011

School Break - Holiday in East Coast...
300511... 9 pagi dah bergerak ke pantai timur...from kl to kuala terengganu..sampai dalam 2 petang terus kami check in di Ri Yaz Heritage, KT.. saje ambil hotel ni sebab dah strategik lokasinya untuk menuju ke Jetty keesokan harinya... alhamdulillah, smooth check in, kami dibawa dengan buggy untuk ke bilik... very simple yet elegant, and of course spacious room..

si kecik ni dah mula sakit perut nak beyakkkk...

dah hilang sakit perutnye as usual, calling her wakdol friend..yup, tiap kali masuk bilik hotel memana, mesti angkat fon dan bercakap sorang2...

aktiviti yang tidak asing lagi...petang tu terus masuk pool....

jalan2 sekitar Ri Yaz...very peaceful and calm...lots of green..

cantik balkoni nya...view yg menarik...

out for dinner...

310511...early morning had breakfast at Ri Yaz..getting ready to catch 9.30am boat ride to Redang Island...:)) choices of food..lots..and tasty too..
snap some photos before leaving Ri Yaz...
Bye bye Ri Yaz..panjang umur dtg lagi kami ke sini ye...
310511...we arrived quite early at the Jetty...less than 40mins drive...parked our car in one of the Laguna Redang parking - provided for us...gated and guarded..just across the jetty..
at the Jetty..

departed bout 9.30am...first time ride for the kids....aisyaa nangis tak henti when one of the staffs tegur dia...tarus menjerit tak hengat dlm boat tuh..we got back seat, quite cold, air cond yg kuat d kids menggigil kesejukan... ooh ye, just be careful of your luggages which you checked in..hubby lost his serengetti sungglasses which was placed in his bagpack..smpai2 hotel bilik, hanya tinggal empty case..gerammmm sgt that time!!!! sempat lagi tu mencuri spek hitam...!
filled with Singaporean tourists...
the ride took almost an hour..yup, as usual..i threw up a bit..hehehe...fenin2 lalat the Laguna jetty...yeayyy...let's enjoy..

first thing first..of photo..:)
once arrived we were welcomed with asam boi drinks utk hilangkan loya2 menaiki boat... the check in was smooth though we have to wait a bit for our room...well, less than 20mins we got our key room...
the room was spacious and neat...not double bed, two single beds...just nice:)) as usual, d kecik one is calling her 'wakdol' friend...;p

after checkin in...bout1 pm we headed for lunch - huge hall upstairs.. if not mistaken there were more than 1000 ppl checking in that imagine d huge crowd..and surprisingly, the buffet was organized in nicely manner...maknanya, siap ada nombor untuk duduk , the food pun memang diatur elok2..takde berebut2 sume lah..semua dapat makan dengan tenang dan kenyang..banyak jenis makanan and sedapppp semuanya...puas hati lah makan sini - pagi, tengahari, dan malam - all buffet..
selepas makan...jalan2 around the hotel...around the island...snap..snap here and there..

310511..petang tu..ape lagi...tarusss ke pantai....hubby and son ready with their goggles...sooo big on faiq..tak nampak mata pun...

private son didnt like to snorkel at all...sian kena paksa...hehehe...

muka masam n sedih..kena marah ngan mummy sebab takut sangat nak snorkel..dia lagi seronok main pasir...hmmppp...
my two girls..memang dah awal2 dengan aktiviti berpasiran...
baru seronok anak laki sorang tu main pasir..abah pun join skali...

from the the pool pulak....ffuhhh lagi seronok sakan anak laki ku main slide...

yg kecik pun boleh tahan...lagi suka main pool lak...

dinner time...see the hall..very spacious and well organized...the food pun panas2...lagi ler lapar melahapnyer..

after dinner..lepak2 di lobby...

then jalan2 ambil udara di waktu malam di tepi pantai...

010612...Second day... Going for snorkeling ..

020611... breakfast time...:))

makan mi goreng..then cereal pulak...she must be really really starving...
last day breakfast at Laguna Redang...:(

posing2 before leaving the island...:))

waiting for the boat...

atas darat sudaaaa...on d way home to kl....

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